Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chicken Licken

I haven't been a very good cook this week but we'll talk about that in a sec. Let's talk about the cutest thing ever first:

Meet Ruby. She's our new fur baby and I love her! Ruby is seriously the best puppy ever. She is already potty-trained and she knows how to sit! I know, I know, not the best picture. I just haven't bothered to make an appointment yet for our baby pictures. I want to do one of those shots with me and Ryan holding her in our clasped hands with a black background, but I think she might be too dark for that to work. I'll keep you posted.

Settle down, I'm just kidding. I'm not a fan of people who treat their puppies like babies either so don't worry. Just because I may or may not call her my baby I'm fully aware that I did not give birth to her. Don't judge me if she shows up with the occasional bow in her hair. I won't ever put clothes on her though because that's gross.

Moving on....

Friday night I cooked a chicken. Not just "a chicken" but,
The Ultimate Roast Chicken Provencal
page 132 of Tyler's Ultimate

I don't speak French but I'm thinking "Provencal" means "Tastes like throw-up" in English. The chicken itself was good for the most part. I'm just not sure tomatoes and lemons should be friends. At all. This chicken started out on the right track by calling for a fresh herb paste to be rubbed all over it. Then it was stuffed with a lemon that was cut in half. I think that's when things started to go downhill. It then calls for cut tomatoes, zucchini, onions, lemons, and fresh thyme to be put around it and roasted. It was okay and the fam ate it (a little begrudgingly), I just think I'll skip the lemon next time. Oh well. You can't win 'em all.

It looks yummy though doesn't it? The kids weren't fans of the veggies either. They tasted weird. Maybe I should have added broccoli on the side. Speaking of broccoli, has anyone seen those commercials about broccoli? There's one where a lady and her husband are covered in brand new babies and saying how much of a miracle it was to have 8 babies! The broccoli guy is sitting in the corner (of their bedroom! Ha!) and puts them straight because that wasn't a miracle, broccoli is a miracle because it has 12 essential nutrients. Then creepy guy shushes and rocks his broccoli. Okay....maybe it lost some of the funny-magic by me scripting it out, but still. Super funny. Check it out.

So the other night Ry and I went out to eat with some friends. The waitress was super nice but she was a bit uptight. We kept trying to joke around with her but she was a pretty tough crowd. I've never seen so much frownsmiling in my life. When she brought our food, I looked over to her saying, "Oh, oh! Please no....." followed by a crash of dishes.

She dropped our food.

I was a waitress (all famous actresses are before being discovered) and I could literally feel her embarrassment. Poor girl. The worst part was, Ryan got the brunt of it. He was literally wearing the food. You know what RJ did? He laughed about it. I don't like seeing movies where people scream at the waiter/waitress after getting dumped on. I just don't get it. The embarrassment of it is punishment enough. I guess my point is just that people need to be nicer in general. That's all.

*Side note: the above link doesn't have anything to do with this particular story, it's just a super funny blog that I'm in love with.*

You wanna know what does make me scream? Going to Ikea. Whenever I go there I get the shakes. There's just too much stuff in one place and it turns into a stimulation overload. I seriously get all shaky as if I just guzzled a 2L Coke (all the pretty colors in Avatar made me feel like that too by the way). Anyway, I'm going to Ikea soon and I'm already feeling a bit shaky. I think that's because I looked online to make my list. My kitchen is gonna be equipped to the max after this trip. I might even get a big-girl knife. I can't wait. Does that make me lame? I don't even care.....


Rebecca M said...

Your puppy is adorable!!

Lachele said...

I was thinking to myself last night about how I haven't had any inappropriate text messages from you saying you want my booty or anything like that in a while. I'm glad to know your still alive.

P.S Ryan is way better than me, I might have very well had a minor melt down if I had food spilt on me. Then I would have taken pictures and laughed, but I know I would have made the waitress feel as big as an eraser...

Geoff and Tiff said...

I remember my first big-girl knife...oh, it made me feel like a pro in the kitchen. Watch those fingers, too many incidents will make you hate your knife. Cookin is lookin good sis!

Colton said...

That chicken does look really amazing. I was thinking about roasting a chicken myself, and then I wondered if there was going to be any way that I could do it easier or cheaper than I could buy a five dollar rotisserie chicken from Sam's Club.

I wonder what that dog would taste like if you roasted it with lemon...

Harker Family said...

Manda, I think Ruby is precious!!! I can't wait to meet her she is SUPER cute! Also the Chicken looks really good:) Good Work!

Lachele said...

Umm that puppy is cute. Are you sure you made chicken and not puppy? hmmm