Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sunday dinner

I've said before that Ryan's a "Meat and Potatoes Guy" through and through. I really don't understand why, but he would take a plate of roast beef over a big bowl of ice cream any day. I know. He's nuts. But he is what he is so we have a lot of meat on our menu. On Sunday I tried Tyler's version of roast beef dinner. I'm starting to think the novelty has worn off for the kids because none of them were too excited.

Direct quote from Luke, "You know I don't like meat, Mom!" Except for burgers, steak, any kind of chicken, pork chops, etc, etc, etc.

The Ultimate Sunday Dinner of Meat and Potatoes
page 104 of Tyler's Ultimate
You know what I love about getting dinner ready before church? Going to church smelling like meat. Yes I'm being sarcastic here. That is probably #1 on my "list". I HATE going somewhere smelling like food. It's gross. I'll go into my "list" another day. Not today though, sorry. Here's what dinner looked like:

Yes I am well aware this looks gross. Maybe that's why the kids didn't eat it. It wasn't that bad but the gravy was supposed to be runny and didn't make for a pretty picture.

Ryan called today and said, "What's for lunch? I'll be there in 10 minutes."


Being the Domestic Engineer that I am, I did what any trained professional in my field would do. I whipped something up. In doing so I had my first injury.

Believe me, Mom's were hurt in the making of this meal! Lunch still turned out yummy. I made spaghetti (with sauce from a jar, GASP) and even threw in one of Tyler's starters:

Carmelized Onion Toast
page 18 of Tyler's Ultimate
This appetizer asks for Anchovies. All I know about anchovies is that they are what gross adults put on pizza. This knowledge was learned as a small child from the ever reliable Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup. Isn't that where all the most important life lessons come from? I think so. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the street smarts I have. Anyway, this is toast covered with carmelized onions that have been sauteed with anchovies. I've never had anchovies...why would I? I only order yummy pizzas...but you know what? It added some nice flavor to the toast. Does that make me a gross adult? I'm going to go with no because I have great hair. That automatically cancels out any gross attributes. Here's what the toast looked like:

And don't worry Dad, I did wash my hands before finishing the spaghetti.

The toast was yummy. Try it. You'll like it. It also has the option of adding olives but I didn't because I didn't have any on such short notice. Dinner tonight is going to be really yummy. Are you excited? Luke probably isn't.....


Lachele said...

You had me til anchovies..... SICK....

You do have great hair so I forgive you *hugs*

Colton said...

Hahaha...your hair comment made me laugh. That makes perfect sense.

This is going to sound super nerdy and you might not believe me, but I was actually just thinking about anchovies the other day, and whether I actually didn't like them. I too came to the conclusion that teenage mutant ninja turtles taught me not to eat anchovies on pizza.

P.S. I think that roast beef thingy looks AMAZING! I am definitely going to side with Ryan on this one. Bring on the dead animals!

~AmandA~ said...

Okay Lachele. When (if) you decide to come to my house for dinner I'll make sure to make this for you and I guarantee you'll like it. So there.

I was totally thinking of TMNT when I wrote about cartoons Colton. PS, I've been blocked out of your blog. Why? I'm officially re-requesting an invite.

Lachele said...

I will come to your house next time I come home. Umm, I don't know when that will be. Maybe the long weekend...perhapsish.
I will promise you something right now. I will NOT eat them, and if you try to trick me I will cry. I hate fish, seafood...and I dont even want to broaden my horizion and try new things.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks, and incase you didn't know as of a week ago I got old:)

Jackie said...

I was having a bad day until I read your blog. They always make me smile :) Especially the hair comment, lol...