Friday, June 25, 2010

To everything, (turn turn turn) There is a season (turn turn turn)

We are coming on a lot of big changes around here. The song by the Byrds referenced in the title has been running through my head on repeat for the last couple months. Sometime in February it hit me that Emily is going to be in Grade 1 next year. What? When did that happen? I have been waiting for this to happen for what seemed like EVER and while I was waiting, it happened. I thought her going to school full time would bring on some elaborate celebration or a grand freedom march of some sort. Surprisingly it brought sadness. What?!?! Who AM I?

With this grand revelation brought a sense of panic. Not the sense of panic that causes someone to go out and buy 30 pairs of new shoes (this time), but the sense of panic that causes someone to take stock of their life and regroup. A couple months ago, I went with RJ up to Edmonton for business. We went out to dinner one night with a friend of his who is "wiser" than us. That's a polite way of saying he's old enough to be my dad (no offence dad, you're young). Anywho, while we were talking with our friend, he was telling us about his wife who went back to school at the age of 40 to become a doctor. She graduated when she was 48. I thought, I'm only 30. I have all the time in to world to go to school! So the new seed was planted.

This brings me to my grand revelation. I was absolutely intrigued by his explanation of her schooling and now her job. It was hard for her, I mean, who isn't medical school hard for. Come on. But it was totally worth it. *Enter Relief Society-like quote here* -no really. I can't remember the quote about how you have to work hard for anything worth having.....


I think I found my "thing". Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna cook with Tyler and write about I have been meaning to do....but I'm going to add to my life experience.

I went to the college and did a 6 hour placement test. That was hands down the hardest test I've ever taken. Partly because it meant dusting off the back caverns of my brain to find the things they were asking for. Ryan, being the supportive husband he is, told me that if I did crappy on the test, I would never hear the end of it from him. It would be mocking of the grandest fashion. I did bring this upon myself because I remind him on every occasion I can that I'm the smartest person he knows and I skipped a grade. His wonderfully supportive comments just added to my nerves. I was more scared to find the marks out than I was to take the actual test! When I went in to get the results, the student adviser told me that typically you lose a grade level for every 3 years or so that you've been out of school. That's been 13 years, ladies and gentlemen, so that would put me at about a 7th grade level (because as I found out today, I put a stop to my math career in grade 11. Yes I am ashamed. No really, I wish I would have put way more effort into school the first time. I thought for sure I did math in grade 12). Turns out I actually still have bragging rights. I am at a Math 20 level (impressive because I only took Math 23 thirteen years ago and did HORRIBLY at it) and I got 83% on my English. Who knew? ME, that's who! I knew! Thanks for the extra boost to do well, Ryan. Love you! Actually I didn't know and I was really impressed with my results. And humbled.

They also did a career placement test to see what would be the best fit for me. They thought I should be a nurse. Well maybe I will! I missed the deadline to apply for the Nursing program this year. That's okay because thanks to my extremely full social calendar I enjoyed in High School, I need a full year of upgrading anyway. Regrets, I have a few, but then again, too few to mention... *two points if you can name that song*

I think nursing will be amazing. I would have NEVER been able to take this seriously until this season of my life. It wasn't even anything I ever considered doing. That's where the song reference comes into play. I love when ideas turn into reality. It's gonna be really hard. *see Relief Society quote from before* I just look at my pal Beckie and she's my hero. She's in nursing but she makes it work and still is a great mom who carpools her kids around to their baseball games. She doesn't glamorize it by saying it's a walk in the park. It's hard. But Becks is still the wind beneath my wings. And my inspiration. Don't think I'm going into this all sparkly-eyed. I realize the work involved and I'm excited for the challenge. My brain needs stimuli. Stimulus? See, it needs a workout.

The moral of the story is, I'm gonna be a Nurse! That's gonna be my thing! YAY ME! This is going to be a big sacrifice for our family for a few years, but I think the end result will be worth it. Ryan is seriously so supportive of my wanting to go to school. He's amazing. There's no way I could even think about doing this without him. High five RJ, you're the best. Enough of that. Wish me luck everyone.....


Chuck and Julie Browne said...

YEA for you Jensen.

Bex said...

Seriously so proud of you!!! You are super brave and driven. You will love and hate it....Mostly hate it, but it's a means to the end and you're doing what you love. Just make sure you reward your family for their sacrifice too. When I graduate, I promised the family that if they help out around the house and left me alone when I was studying, a disney cruise to the Bahamas. It works!

Colton said...

Stimulation. But good for you! You'll make a great nurse. Especially if your kids are in school, why not?

~AmandA~ said...

Thanks Julie! I'm super duper excited.

How embarrassing. "Stimulation" didn't even come to mind, but that is the word I was looking for. Good thing you're here Finch. Can I call you when I get stuck with all those big words in school?

That is an amazing idea Beckie! I never thought of that. A holiday will definitely be in order.

Harker Family said...

You will be AMAZING!!!!

Candace Atwood said...

WOW! Good luck! School and kids is definitely challenging. I started my masters degree last year with a 10 month old. It is hard to find time to do everything but it can be done. You'll do A-W-E-S-O-M-E!