Monday, March 1, 2010

Master of the Universe

We got another puppy. I know. I'm an idiot. But this new puppy is SO cute! And Luke finally has another boy around. In my defense, this puppy was the puppy we planned for. Ruby was the spur-of-the-moment-she's-so-cute-can-I-please-please-have-her addition. This new puppy wasn't ready until just now.

The problem with Duke (Luke named him Duke because they're best buddies) is he can't handle much alone time, being one from a litter of eight puppies. We're trying to crate train him and it isn't going well. He got two baths last night because he pooped and played in it. Gross. But he's still cute! He's a silver lab and he has blue eyes. Duke's gonna get big too (he's 1/4 Great Dane) so as soon as we can get a dog run built outside, he will forever be banished to the outdoors as a true farm dog. He mostly just hangs out (poops on) the back deck and sleeps in the garage at night. I should add that Ruby is his chew toy. When they first met, he just grabbed her by the back leg and started dragging her around. Super funny.

I promise this is the last animal I'm getting. Ryan is not happy about all the pets we've acquired. While we were talking about Duke's pick up he says sarcastically, "Why don't we get more pets! Let's just stop at the pet store and get 10 fish while we're at it!"

So I said, "Did you hear that kids? Dad said you could get fish!"

Kids: "YAY!"

That's what you get Ryan. Ha ha!

Here's Duke:

I realize the main blue in his eyes is from the reflection, but he really does have light blue eyes.

Okay. Enough about our zoo.

Dinner was gross.

Veal Piccata with Lemon, Capers, and Parsley-butter Sauce
on page 93 of Stirring The Pot
I've decided I don't like meals with a huge lemon flavor. It's just overwhelming for me. It's not me, it's you, lemon. The kids didn't like it, partly because they asked what veal was and I (stupidly) told them it was a baby cow. (WHAT?!? How did it get killed?) Great. Now my kids are vegan. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

This wasn't too difficult to make but it was messy. Anytime you dredge anything in flour then egg it won't be pretty. I felt the sauce for the noodles needed more depth to it. It just tasted like lemon juice with garlic mixed in. If I make this again, I will probably make a garlic cream sauce and add a hint of lemon to the veal itself.

I've had a hard time cooking lately. I thought when my kids were school aged I would have all the time in the world to just hang around and be a mom. False advertising! I've steadily gotten busier and busier. Who knew?

I have however found time to read everyone else's blogs. Ryan's cousin Rebecca tagged me in a MASTER list that I have been thinking about ever since. I finally have it down.

Here's the deal.

(1) List 6 things you are a master in.

(2) Pass it on to 6 bloggers you think are masters at friendship & make blogging so awesome.

Here's what I came up with:

1) MASTER OF USELESS INFORMATION. I got it from my Dad. Thanks Dad! I could probably win Jeopardy. Blindfolded. This makes Ryan CRAZY. One thing we play is "Name That Celebrity" on movies. I know everyone's name, past movies, age, height, weight....okay, maybe not all that but I do know who they are and what they've been in.

2) MASTER OF SARCASM. If we've ever had a conversation you've probably been subjected to it. Sorry. I can't help it.

3) MASTER OF PLOTTING. Another fun game RJ and I play while we watch the teev (yeah I just shortened that) is we try and guess the ending as soon as possible after starting either the TV show or movie. Well he tries, I win. Not just the ending either, we have to guess how they get to that possible ending. Good times.

4) MASTER CHEF. Obviously.

5) MASTER OF PERSONAL SPACE. I have an abnormally large bubble of personal space. I don't like "Space Invaders" at all. Ewwww. While in any kind of line, be it the bank, grocery store, movie theaters: just back it up people, back it up. I like space.

6) MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Well, maybe not the Universe, per say. I am a master of current events. I love the news. I love knowing what's going on. I should have been a reporter because I also love being the one to break the news. And I love discussing current events. I should be on some kind of panel to discuss my thoughts on TV.

So here's my 6 tags. Don't let me down people.

1) Lachele
2) Julie
3) Mandy
4) Tiffany
5) Jackie
6) Colton (even though I can't read your blog....)

Isn't my blog supposed to be about my cooking? Ha! I'm gonna go cook something now....


Colton said...

Why can't you read my blog? I swear I invited you already TWICE. I'll do it again. Maybe I have the wrong e-mail address and I keep inviting a stranger to read my blog.

P.S. I've only had chicken piccata, but I loved it. I'm kind of a lemon freak, though. When life gives you lemons, make chicken piccata. Or at least have your sister make it and then eat it. I prefer that method, actually.

Chuck and Julie Browne said...

I love your blog. I always laugh when reading your ramblings. I almost enjoy that more than the food you post that always makes me hungry.

I will try and do the master tag... but it will take me awhile to find 6 things I am a master at......

Mandy Weston said...

I'm not going to let you down Manda Jean, but my computer time is limited lately, so once we are outta this foreign country called Quebec and back to the beautiful west coast, I'll be on it:)