Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

I'm going to do a 30 day blog challenge. This idea is recycled from Julie. She has good ideas. The end.

Day 1: Name 5 things about yourself that no one really knows.

1) I cry during sad movies. I mean really cry. Hard. We're talking ugly cry. I don't want to talk about it. All I need now is some purple lipstick, right? (sorry, private family joke...)

2)As much as can be the stereotypical woman in other departments, I will actually choose chocolate flavored treats last. Chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake on the menu? No thank you.

3)You may or may not know this about me but I am terrified of spiders. To be specific, all bugs that stick to me scare me. Grasshoppers aren't bad in theory, but they don't shake off easily and that is a huge problem. I'm getting better just in the simple fact that I'm realizing if nobody else is around, and I don't squish the spider, it will just run and hide only to pop out again later. And squished spiders always get flushed, no exceptions. That way they can't reanimate and get me later. Common sense. PS yes I have seen Arachnophobia.

4) I was in the Alberta High School Honor Choir. That was kind of a big deal because only 35 kids in all of Alberta were chosen. It is still one of my most treasured memories. (I'm the third from the right on the second row...)

5) Flying scares me. A lot. I love going on trips though and that is usually the only option to get somewhere good. I get major anxiety. We're talking one step away from breathing into a paper bag anxiety. I act like I'm bored but really I'm trying real hard not to think about falling from the sky in a giant fireball of death. I am an actress after all. Never mind that I'm usually doped up on gravol...

I'm going to *try* to blog every day on the new subject. Sorry if you read Julie's blog and get bored of the repeat. I am only a good idea doer, not a good idea maker...


Colton said...

Well, it's not a repeat for some of us, and even if it was, your stories would be different. The "ugly cry" thing made me laugh. A lot. I wonder if that makes me a horrible person, or if it is just evidence that I am a horrible person.


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