Monday, March 21, 2011

Insane in the membrane

Have I told you about the "bet" RJ and I made? Let me enlighten you.

Last year was a junk year. All the way around, we were so glad to see 2010 in the rear view mirror.

Since it was a stressful year we did a lot of emotional eating, according to our scales. So we decided to make a weight loss challenge. I know that men lose way faster than women but really? He has seriously kicked my butt. Since January, he's down 25 lbs and I'm down ..... Wait for it....

7 lbs... Wah wah wah....

7 measly pounds! Whatever.

We didn't really decide what the winner gets but I'm thinking I'm not in the running anymore, which is fine. Although, Ryan is starting to work on the farm lots so his gym time will be drastically cut. I may have a chance yet! Cross your fingers!

As you saw by one of my recent posts, I have been doing lots of fun classes. Well yoga is now over because it's a community learning thing since we have no real gym for that any kind of regular classes.

Zumba is over after Wednesday for the same reason. But I did buy some Zumba DVDs and I'm excited to get doing them regularly.

Remember that run we signed up for? Well me and Niki went up to the race and it started snowing/raining. Since neither of us are "runners" we totally bailed. It's fine though. I don't need to run a 6k in snow to build character. We did sign up for another run in June so technically I don't consider it a bail, it's just on hold.

The main thing I've been doing lately? I'm glad you asked!

Insanity is just that. Insane. I am not even kidding when I tell you that I cry during some of these workouts. It is THE hardest thing I've ever done. But I'm improving! Every 15 days you do a fit test and I improved tons in my first 15! And I'm down a size. Oh yeah, and 7 stupid pounds.

Shaun T is a good motivator. But I hate you Shaun T... Hate. You.

Okay, I kind of like you.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. What are you doing to work out?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 3

Name something you crave a lot.

Something I crave a lot....There's lots of things I crave a lot. Let's try to narrow it down to one, shall we?

I crave summer.

To be specific I crave that week or two that can't decide if it wants to be spring or summer. The flowers are blooming, the grass is green, birds are chirping, it's t-shirt weather during the day but you still need a sweater at night....that's my favorite.

Being married to farmer has also made this time of year special. I live riding co-pilot in the tractor with Ryan as he is working the land or planting crops. We have had some of our best conversations in the tractor.

It's more than just a season, it's actually a feeling. There's hope in the air. Yeah yeah, I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. Everyone has had a good winter break to recover from the stress of harvest and it seems everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed to get the year going.

This year I'm hoping to get some yard work done too. We were going to get some landscaping done last year but we had an unusually wet spring and were too busy pumping water out of the fields to worry about grass. Item number one on my yard list is definitely a garden.

This is my dream garden. Cross your fingers I can talk Ryan into it! Ha ha!

I haven't had a garden for three years because we were either selling, renting, or flooded out... I miss gardening. Stay tuned for updates on that! There's just something so satisfactory about growing a garden....

Location:Purple Springs,Canada