Thursday, April 14, 2011

Number 4

Notice how I changed it to "Number 4" instead of "Day 4"? Well I clearly am just going to post 30 times rather than try for 30 consecutive days.

Today's topic is Top 10 Pet Peeves. I'm changing it to 5 Pet Peeves and 5 Favorite Things though. I found myself getting more and more angry and negative as I thought of pet peeves so I wanted to end on a positive note.

1. People who use flowery vocabulary in everyday speaking and/or writing. I think I'm a pretty smart person with an okay vocabulary but I think people who use big words just for the sake of using big words sound pretentious and rude. It comes across as arrogant and I check out from the conversation every time. I also can not stand people who are condescending. I'm neither stupid nor am I a 5 year old child. Please don't speak to me like I am. We had a guy come to the door the other day trying to sell insurance. This was odd because living way out where we live, we don't get many door to door salespeople. Anyway, he started out by giving me a dead fish handshake. I was done right then. Come on buddy! You aren't flattering me by being gentle! Have you seen my hands? These man hands can handle a real shake thankyouverymuch! Then he goes on to ask if my husband is home so he can ask him about our life insurance. I felt like a little girl who was asked if my dad was home. I know our insurance situation thanks. Leave now sir. Just leave. Did I mention I was taller than him? *sigh*

2. I don't like having things pointed out to me. For example, if I have a cold sore on my lip, which happens more than I'd like, chances are I did notice it that morning and am well aware of it's existence. You know it's there and I know it's there so can we please just carry on now? Or when I'm saying something and you get what I mean, you don't need to correct my sentence for me. Thanks though... **Side note, i was gonna post a picture of a cold sore but that's gross. You're welcome for refraining.**

3. I am not a fan of the new policy that everyone is a winner. Everyone is not a winner! Unless you have tiger blood and Adonis DNA, you are not a winner unless you have in fact won something. If you are trying to get a job as an adult, they don't hand out jobs to everyone who applies. Why then do we give all the kids a "participation" medal or trophy these days? How do we teach kids to be good losers? Like my dad said, the olympics must be really confusing for kids to watch.

4. Space invaders. Everyone has a bubble of personal space. Take your bubble and double it...that's how big my bubble is. When I'm standing in line to buy groceries or buy movie tickets I can not stand it when the person behind me is all up in my business. You will not get through the line faster by stepping on my heels and breathing on my neck. This can also be applied when driving. Seriously back it up.

5. I get annoyed when people say "I'm in a million per cent." or "you are an eleven out of ten." I exaggerate all the time but for some reason when there is a specific cap put on a scale, exceeding that cap annoys me! If it is out of ten, then ten is all you get! Randy from American Idol drives me bananas! He ALWAYS says "a million percent yes, a million percent!" Ugh! I'm happy you're excited but please. Just stop.

Now let's be positive! Things that make me happy:

1. I love when people let someone go ahead of them in the grocery checkout when the other person has one or two items. It's not hard to be nice!

2. I love when people wink. A wink and a smile seriously gets me every time.

3. I think the biggest compliment someone can give me is to compliment my kids. If you think my kids are great, I think you're great.

4. I love when people get my jokes. I joke around a lot. But I don't like to explain myself so if you didn't catch it the first time, just move along.

If you get this picture then I like you. That is all...

Location:Purple Springs,Canada


Colton said...

I'm so glad that you still blog. Sometimes I get really bored when I check up on the blogosphere. Yours, however, is always fun to read. Geez, I haven't blogged in like a thousand years.